EAPATIS - common information


Brief Information about the System

General information

EAPATIS System has been developed by the EAPO with an aim to improve efficiency and quality of patent searches and patent information, as well as to support the examination of applications for inventions. The System has been in industrial operation at the EAPO since year 2000. In 2003 access to the EAPATIS via the Internet has been provided to the National Patent Offices of the Member States of the Eurasian Patent Organization. In 2004-2005 access to the system has been provided to the National Patent Offices of the Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Georgia.

Main characteristics

Over 20 local databases (DB) constantly updated are supported by EAPATIS which by the end of 2015 contained over 60 million descriptions of patent documents. The scope of patent information provided to users (including full descriptions of patent documents in certain DB) is over 2 terabytes. The DB contains patent documents from EAPO, WIPO, European Patent Office, US Patent Office, USSR and Russia (since 1924), patent documentation of countries included in "PCT minimum documentation" with various depths of retrospectives as well as patent documents of the National Patent Offices of the CIS countries including the EAPO member-states.

Any subject, number, title and text searches using logical functions "AND"/"OR"/"NOT" can be conducted.

Meta-searches are conducted within external patent databases of Intellectual Property Digital Libraries (IPDL) and information systems of freely accessible via the Internet: ESPACENET, PatentScope, USPTO and etc.

As a result the search lists of found patent documents and reference-bibliographical descriptions are presented.

Full descriptions of patents documents may be obtained by one of the following methods:

  • from the EAPATIS server using access to full descriptions;
  • from external patent DB by means of virtual access;
  • with CD(DVD)-ROM discs with patent documentation using a specialized software - "patent browser".

Distinctive features of the system

  1. Availability of collections in Russian including Soviet, Russian, Eurasian, and patent documentation of the National Patent Offices of the CIS countries including EAPO member-states.
  2. Convenient and easy to use "one-window" principle allows the user to make a multi-aspect patent search in several official languages at the same time both in local and external DB freely accessible via the Internet.
  3. Newly developed service possibilities of the system. For example, statistical data on search results is displayed for each query, including for each separate criteria search. The structure of the formed query may be viewed before sending it to the server. In case no results have been displayed the query analyzer will offer further steps to take. Hyperlinks to external databases are formed automatically for each found document; they offer a possibility to receive a description of the document as well as additional information on it from various sources. Use of a patent browser and metasearch tools do not require knowledge of search systems to work with CD/DVD discs and external DB on the Internet.

Access to the EAPATIS

In a free access all kinds of searches (advanced, number, and professional) canbe conducted within the EAPO DB as well as searches by a number of a document in other patent DB. The search results are presented in the form of abstract and bibliographic descriptions of patent documents. Services are rendered to provide virtual access to full descriptions of patent documents from external sources and to search in IPC DB.

Paid access is open to all DB of the system in advanced, number and professional search modes, as well as metasearch. Title pages and full descriptions of the Eurasian patents and published Eurasian applications are presented. Services of virtual access to full descriptions of documents are available from external sources, subject search within the EAPATIS DB using IPC DB, and search in IPC DB.

Access on a paid basis will be provided after conclusion of an Agreement to grant access to the Eurasian Patent Information System (EAPATIS).