How to fill Search Form

1. Description of a Search Form

Multitab interface is used.

"Query builder" interface tab presented to provide simple and user-friendly access to main EAPATIS functionality.

The “Search” tab is used to specify Databases and execute searches within them.
A list of local databases to choose from appears on the center of the screen.. External databases for conduction of a meta-search are presented on the right.

"Number search" tab is used to perform quick access to documents by numbers.

Information about executed searches is presented on "History" tab.

"Collections" tab may be used to collect the documents for further analysis.

User Guide, Examples and Databases description in Bottom pane.

2. Patent search procedure

Use “Query builder” tab for query preparation.

Choose necessary search criterion.

Type the chosen search criterion and press “Search” button.

In “Search” tab choose databases to be searched.

Press “Search” button.

You can see the result of search in “History” tab.

Press button “Show list”.

The list of found documents will be shown in the “Results” tab.

Bibliography and abstract will be shown after press on the title of the document in the list.

3. Use of a Number Search

Type the country code and the number of a document. For search purposes numbers of documents are delimited with a space.

Example: WO1999019551 RU99117284

During Quick Search it is not necessary to choose databases to be searched.

Code of a type of document or truncation signs need not be placed at the end of the document.

Press "Search" button

4. Search over several fields with logical functions "AND", "OR", "NOT".

Use "Search" panel. Select required databases and type the query in the "Fulltext search" box.

While making a search with several parameters using logical functions "AND", "OR" and "NOT" is possible.

Example: C07D307*\IC not C07D307/93\IC and (alkyl*\AB or cycloalkyl*\AB) and (1998*\DD)

If logical function "AND" is used, all parameters of the query are written in one field delimited with a space.

Example: (C07D307*\IC alkyl*\AB)

Press "Search" button